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How GreenVET Helps VET Institutions Lead the Green Transition

In 2024, the pressing threat of climate change is driving rapid growth of sustainability efforts. Schools play a crucial role in modeling ecological values and preparing young people for green careers. That's where GreenVET comes in. This forward-thinking initiative empowers vocational education and training (VET) institutions across Europe to become leaders of the Green Transition.

Developed by a consortium of seven partners in five European countries, GreenVET provides an online platform packed with resources to help VET schools adopt a Whole Institution Approach to sustainability. Users take interactive assessments of their institutions' environmental footprint across areas like energy use, waste, food systems, transportation, procurement, and more. GreenVET then guides them through creating tailored action plans.

Whether it's integrating renewable energy tech labs into electronics curriculums, developing student-run campus gardens, or hosting virtual meetings to reduce travel - GreenVET encourages innovation. It prompts VET schools to engage all staff and students in the sustainability journey.

With exciting green jobs like solar plant technician, sustainable fashion designer, or eco-homebuilder emerging rapidly, GreenVET prepares VET students to meet future workforce demands. And by modeling sustainability institution-wide, it inspires young people to become sustainability change-makers in their communities. In an era of climate crisis, initiatives like GreenVET help ensure VET schools plant seeds for a greener tomorrow.