GreenVET Database

"Innovation comes only from readily and seamlessly sharing information rather than hoarding it."

Tom Peters

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Let's work together in greening VET!

Our GreenVET Database is a collection of resources contributed by project partners, our community of practice, but also by YOU. The collection contains links to resources that will inspire the green transformation of your VET-school's values, actions, and teachings. Browse what other VET-actors found helpful and share your very own findings to support your peers all over Europe! If it is useful to you, it is probably also useful to your peers.

What can be found in the database?

You will find links to resources that are valuable for everyone working in a VET-school and interested in sustainability. This could be teaching material for a specific professional sector or policy papers on EU initiatives, newspaper articles on the Just Transition, or a podcast on Education for Sustainable Development. You will get the link to the resource and a short description of a peer explaining why it could be relevant to you.

Who can contribute resources?

While the database is particularly aimed at teachers, administration, and management working at VET-schools, everyone's contribution is appreciated! To share valuable resources you have discovered, please register here and get further instructions. Don't worry - the registration is short and painless.

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Resource of the month

Dijaško podjetje Chair Pack


Gre za razvojni proces študentskega podjetja, in izdelek, ki so ga razvili. Projekt se osredotoča na oblikovanje funkcionalnega izdelka iz že uporabljenega lesa in tekstila. Vključuje ...
Various sectors
The resource details the activities involved in the development process of a student company and the product they developed. The project focuses on designing a functional product from already used ...
Best Practice

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Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A practical Guide for Institutions


This Guide helps TVET leaders and practitioners understand and implement education for sustainable development (ESD) by greening their institutions. It aims to support TVET institutions in ...
Various sectors
This Guide helps TVET leaders and practitioners understand and implement education for sustainable development (ESD) by greening their institutions. It aims to support TVET institutions in ...
Framework / Policy Paper

Πιλοτική Μονάδα Ηλιακής Ξήρανσης Μήλων- Πρώτα Αποτελέσματα


Το παρόν άρθρο περιγράφει μια καινοτόμο πρωτοβουλία στην Κυπερούντα για τη μετατροπή των μήλων δεύτερης ...
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
This article describes an innovative initiative in Kyperounda to transform second quality apples into dried snacks of high nutritional value. The construction of a model solar drying plant aims to ...
Press article



The document discusses the role of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in supporting the green transition within VE). It highlights how CoVEs are adapting to the green transition by integrating ...
Not specified
Brochure / Dossier / Report

Interview with Arjen Wals: A pedagogy of hope for a greener world


In this interview Arjen Wals (professor of transformative learning for socio-ecological sustainability at the University of Wageningen) promotes an educational paradigm shift towards sustainability, ...
Not specified
Press article

UNESCO Associated Schools - Whole School Approach


This (short) video gives first insights on the Whole School Approach. It explains what the approach is all about and how it is implemented by UNESCO Associated Schools in Germany. ...
Not specified
Film / Video / Podcast

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