Our GreenVET Database is a collection of resources contributed by project partners,
our community of practice, but also by YOU. The collection contains links to resources that will
inspire the green transformation of your VET-school's values, actions, and teachings. Browse what
other VET-actors found helpful and share your very own findings to support your peers all over Europe!
If it is useful to you, it is probably also useful to your peers.
What can be found in the database?
You will find links to resources that are valuable for everyone working in a VET-school and interested in
sustainability. This could be teaching material for a specific professional sector or policy papers on EU
initiatives, newspaper articles on the Just Transition, or a podcast on Education for Sustainable Development.
You will get the link to the resource and a short description of a peer explaining why it could be relevant to you.
Who can contribute resources?
While the database is particularly aimed at teachers, administration, and management working at VET-schools,
everyone's contribution is appreciated! To share valuable resources you have discovered, please register here
and get further instructions. Don't worry - the registration is short and painless.
Gre za razvojni proces študentskega podjetja, in izdelek, ki so ga razvili. Projekt se osredotoča na oblikovanje funkcionalnega izdelka iz že uporabljenega lesa in tekstila. Vključuje ...
Various sectors
The resource details the activities involved in the development process of a student company and the product they developed. The project focuses on designing a functional product from already used ...
The resource is a learning module focused on the importance of adopting sustainable practices in response to environmental challenges. It introduces sustainable competences based on the GreenComp ...
Various sectors
Lesson activity / Teaching material
Le professioni chiave per la transizione verde
La crescente intensità della crisi climatica ha ampliato gli sforzi per limitare le emissioni di CO2. Lo studio del Cedefop del 2023 dal titolo From linear thinking to green growth mindsets [Dal ...
Various sectors
The increasing intensity of the climate crisis has intensified efforts to limit CO2 emissions. The Cedefop study from 2023 titled *From Linear Thinking to Green Growth Mindsets* highlights the need ...
Brochure / Dossier / Report
Lavori verdi? Pratiche e profili professionali nella transizione ecologica
La questione ambientale si sta sempre più strutturando quale ambito trasversale di policy, sia a livello nazionale che
internazionale. Alcuni studiosi hanno provato a sottolineare la necessità di ...
Various sectors
The environmental issue is increasingly becoming a cross-cutting policy area, both nationally and internationally. Some scholars have emphasized the need to discuss "sustainable well-being" as a ...
Scientific paper
Ausbildungszentrum für Photovoltaik an der HTL Hollabrunn eröffnet!
Die Photovoltaik Praktiker Ausbildung ist eine Initiative des Landes Niederösterreich, die im Jahr 2022 gestartet wurde. Beteiligt sind wichtige Stakeholder wie die Bildungsdirektion ...
Renewable Energy and Sustainability
Photovoltaic Academy (“Photovoltaik Praktiker Ausbildung”), is an initiative in the Region of Lower Austria that started in 2022. It involves key stakeholders such as the Education Directorate of ...
Website / Online Platform
Dijaško podjetje Chair Pack
Gre za razvojni proces študentskega podjetja, in izdelek, ki so ga razvili. Projekt se osredotoča na oblikovanje funkcionalnega izdelka iz že uporabljenega lesa in tekstila. Vključuje ...
Various sectors
The resource details the activities involved in the development process of a student company and the product they developed. The project focuses on designing a functional product from already used ...