Our GreenVET Database is a collection of resources contributed by project partners,
our community of practice, but also by YOU. The collection contains links to resources that will
inspire the green transformation of your VET-school's values, actions, and teachings. Browse what
other VET-actors found helpful and share your very own findings to support your peers all over Europe!
If it is useful to you, it is probably also useful to your peers.
What can be found in the database?
You will find links to resources that are valuable for everyone working in a VET-school and interested in
sustainability. This could be teaching material for a specific professional sector or policy papers on EU
initiatives, newspaper articles on the Just Transition, or a podcast on Education for Sustainable Development.
You will get the link to the resource and a short description of a peer explaining why it could be relevant to you.
Who can contribute resources?
While the database is particularly aimed at teachers, administration, and management working at VET-schools,
everyone's contribution is appreciated! To share valuable resources you have discovered, please register here
and get further instructions. Don't worry - the registration is short and painless.
Gre za razvojni proces študentskega podjetja, in izdelek, ki so ga razvili. Projekt se osredotoča na oblikovanje funkcionalnega izdelka iz že uporabljenega lesa in tekstila. Vključuje ...
Various sectors
The resource details the activities involved in the development process of a student company and the product they developed. The project focuses on designing a functional product from already used ...
Οι 17 Στόχοι Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης και οι 169 υποστόχοι
Περιέχει αναλυτικά και με επεξήγηση τους 169 υποστόχους των 17 Στόχων Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης. ...
Not specified
It contains a comprehensive list and explanation of the 169 subgoals of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. ...
Framework / Policy Paper
Greening curriculum guidance: teaching and learning for climate action
Drawing from the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for 2030 framework, this guidance will support countries to integrate climate change as a key curriculum component by 2030. The goal is ...
Not specified
Framework / Policy Paper
Green school quality standard: greening every learning environment
This publication provides a quality standard for greening schools and other learning environments. It outlines four core areas for integrating sustainability principles and climate action: 1) school ...
Not specified
Framework / Policy Paper
A new green learning agenda: Approaches to quality education for climate action
This article outlines a framework for integrating green skills into education to support climate action. It emphasizes the importance of gender equality and justice-oriented climate change education ...
Not specified
Scientific paper
World Education Blog - Greening Education Worldwide
This blog explores climate change education approaches from 80 countries, highlighting the integration of climate topics into primary and secondary curricula, teacher education, and public awareness ...